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 Our Presbytery


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Bills & Overtures Committee Task Force has the responsibility to assist the Presbytery as it deals with bills and overtures received from other governing bodies, proposed amendments to the constitution approved by the General Assembly, and as the Presbytery wishes to introduce bills or overtures at its own initiative. They usually meet one or two times per year, often virtually. 


Property Committee receives all applications from churches to sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber church property, and recommends appropriate action to Presbytery Council. Oversees property for which the Presbytery is responsible and makes recommendations regarding such property to Presbytery Council. Works to provide strategy suggestions for making good stewardship and mission decisions regarding property issues both for the presbytery and for local congregations. This committee meets as needed and often virtually. 


Finance Committee has the responsibility to recommend the presbytery's per capita to the Presbytery and to prepare the annual Presbytery budget to submit to the Presbytery. This committee oversees the management of all PNK funds (including mission giving, per capita receipts, funds accrued from the sale of property, investment funds, etc.) and is responsible for the transparent reporting of the financial picture of PNK to the presbytery. This committee meets virtually and may meet annually in person. 


Preparation 4 Ministry Committee exercises responsibility for the spiritual growth of inquirers and candidates under the care of the presbytery, supporting them, offering guidance regarding courses of study, and counseling with them in the area of finances, plans for education, plans for field study, etc. Furthermore, this committee is responsible for the oversight of the Presbytery's Commissioned Lay Pastor Program and its inquirers and candidates until they are deemed "available for commissioning", at which time their care is transferred to the Commission on Ministry. They also have responsibility for the Authorized Pulpit Supply Program recruiting interested people and overseeing their instruction. This committee meets virtually and may meet annually in person. Members of the committee also conduct interviews with individual candidates in various locations as needed. 


Commission on Ministry  serves as pastor and counselor to clergy members of this presbytery and other pastors and facilitates relations between congregations and their pastors, working to strengthen their relationships with the Presbytery. Responsibilities of this commission include providing a liaison to each congregation, recommending actions, and handling business relating to churches and their pastors. This commission also oversees the Partnership Funding program and continuing education scholarships for clergy, commissioned lay pastors, and educators. They meet approximately monthly as a commission of the whole and these meetings include up to 4 meetings a year in person and the remainder of their meetings virtually. Members are also assigned to one of three Area Subcommittees; each meets virtually ordinarily one week prior to the Commission on Ministry meetings. Individual members may also have assignments to complete or church visits to make in between meetings. 


Committee on Representation 

has the responsibility to advise the Presbytery regarding the membership of its committees, councils, and other units implementing the principles of participation and inclusiveness to ensure fair and effective representation in the decision-making of the presbytery. They prepare a slate of nominees whose abilities best serve the needs of and who also represent the diversity of the Presbytery. They meet annually either in person or virtually prior to the Fall Presbytery meeting and then virtually as needed to fill vacancies on presbytery committees and related entities. 


Presbytery Council provides oversight of the entire life of the Presbytery, evaluating its effectiveness and developing short- and long-range plans for its life and mission. It monitors the budget throughout the year and authorizes amendments to the budget as needed. It is made up of ten at-large members as well as the Presbytery moderator and vice moderator. Presbytery Council meets on a monthly basis ordinarily virtually with one or two in person meetings annually. 


Permanent Judicial Commission consists of seven members (elders and ministers) serving in three classes of six-year terms. This commission meets as needed and is guided by the Rules of Discipline (Book of Order D-4.0100) as it hears and acts on judicial cases filed within the Presbytery. 


Personnel and Office Administration Committee conducts annual evaluations and reviews of all compensated staff of the Presbytery. Members of this committee also assist the General Presbyter in the oversight of the Presbytery Office, hiring and supervising the Presbytery staff and contract laborers, updating staff job descriptions, seeing that the Presbytery is in compliance with A.A./E.E.O. policies, and ensuring that the Presbytery Personnel Policies are practiced and updated as needed. The committee meets as needed, often virtually, but also meets annually in person with staff. Other meetings are scheduled as necessary and/or helpful. 


Presbytery Meetings and Events Committee plans for each quarterly Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Northern Kansas, which includes providing the docket and making arrangements for worship and program. They also review and evaluate each Stated meeting. Furthermore, the committee will oversee the event planning of other presbytery-wide-events - often appointing a task force to carry-out the responsibilities of each event. The committee meets quarterly to plan for upcoming presbytery meetings and schedules additional meetings as needed. Meetings are ordinarily held virtually and this committee may meet annually in person. 


Resource Center Committee in conjunction with the Resource Center Director, is responsible for maintaining, updating, and promoting the usage of the Resource Center and encouraging the use of these resources in training and education. This committee previews materials which are purchased for the Resource Center. They ordinarily meet virtually four times each year. 


Clerk's Reports and Records Review Committee holds regional meetings on three or four Saturdays each year (not all committee members have to be at every meeting) to provide for the annual training of clerks of sessions and reading and review of the session records of all churches within the Presbytery of Northern Kansas. They are also available to assist clerks of session with questions about record and minute-keeping. The committee may also have an additional meeting to plan for the annual Session Record Reviews. 


Sexual Misconduct Response Task Force is responsible for counseling with both parties (and their families, if applicable) regarding the availability of pastoral support in cases where there are allegations of or charges filed regarding sexual misconduct of pastors, ruling elders, or other church officers. They are also available to advise parties regarding their rights to counsel, and to advise appropriate civil officials if a criminal act has been committed. The committee meets as needed to be prepared for when they are called on and so that they can be of assistance to the pastors and congregations of the presbytery. Furthermore, this committee is responsible for revising the PNK Sexual Misconduct Policy as needed and ensuring that all required persons have signed the policy. 


Stewardship and Mission Committee is responsible for stewardship awareness and education including interpretation of information about the general mission budgets of the PC(USA), Synod and the Presbytery, and for interpreting the four PC(USA) Special Offerings (One Great Hour of  Sharing, the Pentecost Offering, the Peace and Global Witness Offering, and the Christmas Joy Offering) along with the Theological Education Fund. It is also responsible for overseeing the Mission Giving program of the Presbytery and recognizing congregations who are excelling &/or improving in their mission giving. This committee's responsibilities also include overseeing the Presbytery's Mission Project Grant program, other Mission programs and partnerships, and coordinating PNK Mission Trips. For 2023/2024, this committee is operating as the Stewardship  Task Group and a separate Mission Task Group. An evaluation will take place and may result in a  recommendation for a change in the PNK Bylaws. Currently the Mission Task Group is meeting  virtually on a monthly basis and the Stewardship Task Group is meeting as needed also virtually. 


Youth Ministries Committee is responsible for providing Presbytery-wide Youth Ministry activities that promote Christian fellowship while encouraging youth to be involved in their local churches. They plan and coordinate PNK Youth Retreats. This committee oversees the outdoor ministry program of the Presbytery including representation on the Heartland Center Board, promotion and volunteer recruitment of the Heartland Center Camping Program, and planning and coordinating any Youth Trips. It is the responsibility of this committee to oversee the disbursement of funds from the Adda Walden Memorial Fund. They meet four to six times each year ordinarily virtually but may meet annually in person. For 2023/2024, this committee is operating as the Youth  Ministries Task Group and an evaluation will take place and may result in a recommendation for a  change in the PNK Bylaws.



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