Our Presbytery
Safe Gatherings
The Presbytery of Northern Kansas is committed to providing safe places of worship and fellowship to everyone they serve. As part of that commitment, they are offering Safe Gatherings as a resource for you in this important area.
What is Safe Gatherings?
Safe Gatherings is an online abuse prevention program that screens and educates staff and volunteers to help prevent abuse of children, youth and vulnerable adults.
Upon successful completion of the Safe Gatherings application, background and reference checks, and online training program, each applicant will receive documentation of approval valid for three years, and will have continued access to the online training program for one year.
How Much Does it Cost?
The price per applicant for available through the Presbytery is $37 for church staff and volunteers. The program includes:
Processing of two electronic references
National criminal background check
7-year county of residence background check (multi-county for clergy)
National and state of residence Sex Offender Registry check
Applicant tracking for church administrators
2-hour online abuse prevention and boundary awareness training
Optional driving record for additional charge
Training Update!
Safe Gatherings has updated its training to address the challenges of online ministry in regard to abuse prevention. This new module discusses basic abuse prevention guidelines for conducting online meetings, technology challenges and solutions, boundary awareness in terms of virtual ministry and more.
How Do I Set Up My Church?
To set up your church, call Safe Gathering at 888-241-8258
How Does an Applicant Start the Process?
After the administrator has set up the account, applicants can start the process by clicking Get Started on the Safe Gatherings website.
To speed up the process, individuals should be prepared before they begin. In this process, the individual will be filling in personal information, including previous work involving children, youth and vulnerable adults. They will also be submitting two references that are not related to them. Safe Gatherings will need contact information for those references (email and phone number).
I Have More Questions About the Presbytery and Its Protection Policies?
No problem! Visit THIS PAGE on the website.
Have Additional Questions?
Call Safe Gatherings at 888.241.8258 or contact us for additional information or with questions about the program. We look forward to working with you!